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'Smilies' are small graphical images that can be used to convey an emotion or feeling. If you have used email or internet chat, you are likely familiar with the smilie concept. Certain standard strings are automatically converted into smilies. Try twisting your head on one side if you do not 'get' smilies; using a bit of imagination should reveal a face of some description.

If you want to disable smilies in a post that you make, you can select the 'Disable Smilies' option when posting. This is particularly useful if you are posting program code and you do not want ;) converted to a smilie face!

Standard Smilies
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:D Jeje Jeje
:drool2: Baba2 Baba2
:aponerla: A ponerla! A ponerla!
:iamyourfa Search your feelings, you know it´s true Search your feelings, you know it´s true
:saltafaso Salta men Salta men
:haytabla Hay Tabla Hay Tabla
:cool: Chico Popular Chico Popular
:drool: Baba Baba
:marine: Marine Marine
:contrato: Lee el contrato Lee el contrato
:manda Chupate esta mandarina Chupate esta mandarina
:bounce: Rebota Rebota
:iloveyou: Te amo Te amo
:coolface: coolface coolface
:diablo: El Diablooo El Diablooo
:noflacono No flaco. No. No flaco. No.
:quehambre Dale boncha, que hambre! Dale boncha, que hambre!
:bow: Adorar Adorar
:metal: Headbanger Headbanger
:theperv Pervertido Pervertido
:sunny: Rey Sol Rey Sol
:rofl: ROFL!! ROFL!!
:manita: La gran Pop a Razor La gran Pop a Razor
:cosita Cosita de dedos (soy un otaku pene) Cosita de dedos (soy un otaku pene)
:bang: Pistolerou Pistolerou
:idiota: Idiota Idiota
:tocon Tocon Tocon
:si: Sisi Sisi
:mistery It is a mistery It is a mistery
:jumpdiabl Demonios Demonios
:eek Clasico eek. Para vos pigor. Clasico eek. Para vos pigor.
:baba: baba baba
:manza Manzana Manzana
:wink: Guiño Guiño
:manito Eeeeeee Eeeeeee
:queja: BlaBla!! BlaBla!!
:vamosnene Vamos nene! Vamos nene!
:p Lengua Lengua
:nonono: No, no no. No, no no.
:meofendi: Ofendido Ofendido
:sico: Psicotico Psicotico
:blabla2: Blabla2 Blabla2
:roxbury What is love? What is love?
:cuac: Pato Jodon Pato Jodon
:quetriste Que triste Que triste
:castigo: Castigo Castigo
:blah: Blah blah blah Blah blah blah
:mucharisa Me cague de risa Me cague de risa
:) Sonrie Sonrie
:banana: Bananaaa Bananaaa
:cricri: Cri cri Cri cri
:I :I :I
:mago: Harry Poto Harry Poto
:boogie Boogie Boogie
hmm Inquietante Inquietante
:tehgay El mundo se ha vuelto gay! El mundo se ha vuelto gay!
:tetas: Tetas Tetas
:morph: Morph Morph
:bananazo Guarda que te agarra! Guarda que te agarra!
:elpaq: Paquete Misterioso Paquete Misterioso
:evieja: E vieja! E vieja!
:s Dospuntosese Dospuntosese
:( Que Triste Que Triste
:elhorror: El Horror El Horror
;) Wink Wink
:brindis: Brindemos! Brindemos!
:gervi Gervi Gervi
:rolleyes: Rolas Rolas
:borracho: eeeeeh! eeeeeh!
:ena: Enamorau Enamorau
:grosos: Grosos Grosos
:ubique: cachetazo cachetazo
:elok Bill te da el ok Bill te da el ok
:boo: Boo fucking Hoo Boo fucking Hoo
:lata: Pateando latitas Pateando latitas
:mate: Mateiko Mateiko
:manejo: Cruisin Cruisin
:imwithstu I´m with stupid I´m with stupid
:boring: Aburre Aburre
:o Embarrassment Embarrassment
:latigo: Latigo Latigo
:majul1 Es fuerte no? Es fuerte no?
:majul2 Tenes miedo? Tenes miedo?
:soloco: So loco vo? So loco vo?
:confused: Confused Confused
:comela: Comela Comela
:asshole: Forro. Forro.
:monkeys: And monkeys might come flying out of my butt And monkeys might come flying out of my butt
:omfgwtfbb Sorpresa Sorpresa
:gracias: Gracias, gracias Gracias, gracias
:ban: Banned! Banned!
:wtf: WTF?? WTF??
:esgrima: Esgrima Esgrima
:chavo Yo te banco Yo te banco
:cute: Ojitos Ojitos
:castigo2: Castigo 2 Castigo 2
:awe: Pe.. pero.. Pe.. pero..
:trts: Trrrr tss! Trrrr tss!
:espada: Espada del augurio Espada del augurio

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